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Experience the transformative power of WebinarTrailers—a new feature that takes your webinar promotion to the next level. With WebinarTrailers, you can now show a video directly on the registration page of your webinars, offering attendees a sneak peak at the insights they’ll gain.

How to add a WebinarTrailer

To add a WebinarTrailer, navigate to the webinar overview page and locate the section right below the Webinar Description. From there, select a video from your library and designate it as the webinar trailer. This allows you to provide your audience with a preview of what the webinar entails, making it more enticing and appealing.

Once the webinar trailer is selected, the registration page will feature the video as its hero image. This enables users to view the video and register for the webinar directly from the registration page.

Elevate your webinar promotion and captivate your audience from the start with WebinarTrailers—a powerful tool that transforms static registration pages into dynamic experiences.

Ready to delve deeper into Webinars5? Watch the on-demand launch webinar now for an in-depth look.