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Understanding webinar analytics and attendance data

In the webinar overview page you can get a quick overview of key analytics and who attended the event. If you want to go more into depth, just click on view all in the respective section.

Key analytics

Here you can learn about how effective your conversion process is. Before the webinar starts you can see how many page views translate into how many registrants.

After the webinar you can then see how many of these registrants actually attended the event. You can also gain a quick understanding of how engaging your webinar was. Just compare the average engagement, which is the average watch time of the webinar, with the total duration.

Analytics breakdown

Page views: The number times the webinar registration page was loaded and viewed. 

Conversion rate: The percentage of registrations to number of page views.

Registrants: The number of registrants to your webinar. 

Attendance rate: The percentage of attendees to number of registrations.

Attendees: The number of people who attended your webinar.

Conversion: The registrations of your webinar, split between live and on demand registrations. 

Avg. Engagement: The average time an attendee watched the webinar, split between live and on demand attendance.

Total Engagement: The total watch time of the webinar, split between live and on demand.

Funnel: A visualisation of the page views to registrants to attendee percentage. 

Audience Breakdown - New leads: Registrants who have not been identified through collectors or integrations before

Audience Breakdown - Existing leads: Registrants who have been identified through collectors or integrations previously

Audience Breakdown - First time: Registrants attending your webinars for the first time

Audience Breakdown - Returning Audience: Registrants who have attended your webinars previously


Before the webinar this list shows you everyone who signed up, including their company and how they found out about the event.

After the webinar, you can see who actually attended the event and how engaged they were.

  • A grey checkmark means registered, but not attended.
  • Two green checkmarks indicate registered and attended live.
  • Two blue checkmarks reflect registered and attended on demand.

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