How to create and modify emails
Webinar Email Communication: Engaging Your Audience Before and After the Event
Effective communication around your webinar is just as important as the event itself. Sending reminder emails ensures that registrants remember to attend, while follow-up emails, including thank-you messages and recording links, give attendees the opportunity to revisit the content.
Every time you create a webinar, a default sequence of emails is automatically set up. You can preview, modify, and create new emails as needed. Below, we walk you through how to manage your webinar email sequence in TwentyThree.
Previewing Default Emails
Thank You Email
This is a confirmation email sent immediately after a visitor registers for your webinar. It includes a call to action to add the event to their calendar.
Your Webinar is Tomorrow
Twenty-four hours before the webinar, all registrants receive a reminder email. The call to action directs them to the webinar page, where they can learn more about the event and speakers.
Your Webinar is About to Start
Fifteen minutes before the webinar begins, a final reminder is sent to all registrants. The call to action takes them to the webinar page, allowing them to enter the waiting room.
Thank You for Attending
An hour after the webinar concludes, attendees receive a thank-you email.
You Missed the Webinar: Here’s the Recording
Registrants who did not attend the event will receive an email with a link to watch the webinar on demand. This email is only sent if the webinar recording is made available.
The Webinar Recording is Now Available
If you choose to make the webinar available on demand, an email will be sent to all attendees notifying them that the recording is ready. This email is only sent if the recording is published.
Customizing Your Webinar Emails
The default email sequence ensures that registrants receive the right information at the right time. However, you can customize these emails or add new ones to fit your needs.
Editing, Disabling, Sending, or Rescheduling Emails
- Click on any email to modify its content.
- Disable specific emails if they are not relevant to your workflow.
- Send emails immediately or reschedule them for a later time.
- Send test emails to yourself to preview how they will appear in an email client.
Creating Additional Emails
You can add new emails to the sequence as needed. When creating a new email, you can:
- Define the subject line, message, and call to action.
- Choose a specific target audience for the email.
By optimizing your webinar email sequence, you can enhance engagement, improve attendance rates, and provide a seamless experience for your registrants and attendees.