How to get started with webinars
Welcome to TwentyThree Webinars! In this guide we show you how to create your first webinar, and we help you understand key analytics and attendance data.
Key metrics and list of webinars
On the webinar home screen you can see the total number of webinars, registrants and views. The average leads per webinar and engagement can give you a quick indication of how effective your webinars are. Just below the metrics you find all upcoming and previous webinars.
Most popular webinars
Here you can learn which webinars have been most popular in terms of registrants, attendees and engagement.
Most engaged and latest webinar leads
You can also get an overview of the most active webinar leads and the the latest signups to any of your published webinars.
Create a webinar
Ready to create your first webinar? Click on + New Webinar.
In the pop up, enter a name and set the time you plan to host the webinar. You can also set the timezone for the webinar and how long it will be. You can change both title and time later on. Read more about preparing your webinar draft here.