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Using Channels

Channels is the perfect feature for working with teams. With Channels, you can add select people to a group. Within the channel, you will see the collection of personal videos recorded by that channel's members. You can create new channels by clicking on the plus sign next to "Channel" on the left sidebar.

Create tasks and edit channels

In your team channel, you can create tasks for your team members by clicking on "Create Tasks" in the upper righthand corner. Additionally, there is the option to edit the channel's title, purpose, privacy settings, and delete the channel.

Add people to your channel

Invite people to your channel by clicking on your profile picture next to "Create Tasks", once you click on that the list of all members will appear. To add them just hover over the person and click + sign. You can also search for people by using the search bar.


You can create your own video templates for your channel so all members can create videos using the same format. To create a new template click on the "Create" button. Once the template has been created, members of that channel will be able to record videos using the prepared template.

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