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Using Actions on the landing page

Once you record and edit your personal video you will be redirected to the landing page where you can add different Actions. These Actions allow for customers to learn more about your company, book a meeting or even contact you.


You can create a button that will redirect the user to any URL you choose. This is a great opportunity to direct your audience to your company website or video hub.

Business card

Create your own business card where you can add your full name, phone number, email address, picture and company logo. Adding this will help your video stay on brand and look professional.

Calendly and HubSpot calendar

You can either connect Calendly by inserting the link to Calendly, or you can use your HubSpot calendar link. With this Action you enable your audience to book a meeting with you after watching the Personal video

Embed URL

In TwentyThree you can also embed pages by just simply inserting its URL. You could insert your website address, map address or much more. The options are endless with Actions!

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