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Uploading Assets to TwentyThree

The TwentyThree platform allows you to customize the branding of the content you publish by uploading your own thumbnails, play buttons, email headers and so much more. Here is a helpful guide for best practices to ensure that your content looks the best it can.

Website Icon

Your website icon is a square icon used on your site and mobile applications.

  • Recommended format: Square format (1:1)
  • Recommended size: 200x200px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG


You can upload your logo and for example display it in your players.

  • Recommended format: 1:1, 4:3 or 16:9
  • Recommended size: 200x200px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG

Play Buttons

You can upload a branded play button to use on your different players

  • Recommended format: 1:1, 4:3 or 16:9
  • Recommended size: 200x200px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG


You can make your content stand out even more by uploading a custom thumbnail.

  • Recommended format: According to video format
  • Recommended size: 1920x1080px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG

Live Event Preview

You can customize the branding for your upcoming live event by uploading a hero image.

  • Recommended format: Landscape format, 16:9 is preferable
  • Recommended size: 1920x1080px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG

Webinar Page

You can customize the branding for your upcoming webinar by uploading a hero image.

  • Recommended format: Landscape format, 16:9 is preferable
  • Recommended size: 1920x1080px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG

Email Header

You can customize your outgoing emails, sent for example in relation to webinars, with a header image.

  • Recommended format: Landscape format
  • Recommended size: Width 600-700px, with proportional height (100-200px)
    (The recommended size is 6 to 1 or 3.5 to 1)
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG

Speaker Image

You can customize how you present your speakers by uploading an image of them for the registration page as well as the webinar room.

  • Recommended size: 200x200px or larger
  • Supported file formats: .JPG or .PNG


You can upload handouts for attendees to download in the webinar room.

  • Max size: 200MB

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