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Uploading a video to your account

Uploading a video is essential to begin working with videos on TwentyThree. For a smooth upload experience, ensure you're connected to a stable internet connection and using a modern browser. We recommend the latest version of Google Chrome, Edge, or Mozilla Firefox, as these support the HTML5 uploader and can handle large files. The maximum file size is 16GB.

How to Upload a Video:

  1. Go to the Videos page and click the Upload Video button in the top right corner.
  2. A file selection window will open. Choose one or more files you want to upload.
  3. Once selected, you’ll have the option to set the title and category for each file.

Drag-and-Drop Option:

Alternatively, you can simply drag and drop a file anywhere on the TwentyThree Videos page. The file will be automatically "captured" and uploaded, and a window will appear for you to set the title and category.

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