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Use your own domain for your video site

One of the biggest branding and search engine advantages with TwentyThree is that you can host your videos on your own domain. To set up the domain, you have to complete two steps: You have to change the DNS-setting on your domain and then contact TwentyThree Support who will take care of the remaining setup.

The first step involves configuring the DNS for your domain with a specific CNAME record. Start by navigating to the bottom left corner of the page and clicking on Settings, select Domain and Email, and fill in the Domain Name field. The CNAME record is unique to your site and will resemble something like If you do not have control over the DNS for the domain, you may need to ask your hostmaster to set up the CNAME record for you.

When you have setup the CNAME record for your domain, contact TwentyThree support through the support chat or by sending an email to and make sure to include the domain you want activated –  once we have verified that the DNS changes are in effect we will activate the custom domain on your workspace.

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