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Segment HubSpot contacts based on webinar activity

Segment and score HubSpot contacts based on webinar activity

The integration between TwentyThree and HubSpot offers great opportunities to leverage video and webinar activity for creating lists, scoring contacts, and setting up workflows. This guide provides inspiration for segmenting HubSpot contacts based on webinar activity, focusing on how to create lists for registrants and attendees.

How to Create a New List in HubSpot

  1. Navigate to HubSpot → CRM → Lists.
  2. Click Create List.
  3. Select the Contact-based option and name your list.
    • To enable automatic updates when new contacts register, select Active list before clicking Next.

Segment contacts based on webinar registration

  1. After creating your new list, click Add Filter.
  2. Choose TwentyThree under Integration filters.
  3. Select TwentyThree Collector Sign-up Properties.
  4. Choose the Identifier for video or live event property.
  5. Set the property to is equal to any of and enter the webinar ID.

This will generate a list containing all registrants for the specified webinar.

Segment Contacts Based on Webinar Attendance

Beyond registrants, you can refine your lists to include specific webinar interactions:

1. Segment All Webinar Attendees

  1. Start with the list of all webinar registrants.
  2. Click Add Filter and choose TwentyThree under Integration filters.
  3. Select TwentyThree View Properties and choose the Video Tags property.
  4. Enter the webinar ID.

This will create a list of all attendees, whether they watched live or on-demand.

2. Segment Live (or On-Demand) Webinar Attendees

  1. Start with the list of all webinar attendees.
  2. Click Add Filter under Video Tags.
  3. Choose the Is Live Event property, set it to Equals, and enter 1.

This will create a list of attendees who watched the webinar live. If you want to filter by people who watched the webinar On-Demand, set Is Live Event to 0.

4. Segment Webinar No-Shows

To create a list of registrants who did not attend the webinar:

  1. Start with the list of all webinar registrants.
  2. Click Add Filter in the AND window and choose List Membership.
  3. Set it to Is Not Member Of and select the Webinar Attendees list.Your web browser does not support iframes, which means that the video Non-Attendees List cannot play.

You can find a full list of data available in HubSpot here

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