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Segment HubSpot contacts based on video activity

Segment and Score HubSpot Contacts Based on Video Activity

With the TwentyThree and HubSpot integration, you gain valuable tools for leveraging video activity to create lists, score contacts, and set up automated workflows in HubSpot. Here are some examples of how you can use video engagement data to segment and qualify your HubSpot contacts more effectively.

Segment Contacts Based on Videos Watched

To target contacts based on specific videos they've watched, start by creating a new active list in HubSpot. Go to Contacts → Lists and follow these steps for two common scenarios:

Segment Contacts by Video Category

To segment contacts based on videos within a particular category:

  1. Click Create List.
  2. Choose the Contact-based option and give your list a name. For an automatically updating list, select Active list, then click Next.
  3. Select Add Filter, then go to the TwentyThree category under Integration filters.
  4. Choose Video view properties, then select Video category.
  5. Enter the name of the category you want to include.

Segment Contacts by Specific Videos Watched

    Similarly, to segment contacts who have watched specific videos:

    1. Click Create List.
    2. Select Contact-based and name your list. Choose Active list for real-time updates, then click Next.
    3. Click Add Filter and go to the TwentyThree section in Integration filters.
    4. Choose Video view properties, then select Video title.
    5. Type in the title(s) of the video(s) to include in your list.

    Segment Contacts Based on Total Video Usage

    You can also create segments based on contacts’ total video engagement, such as the number of videos they’ve watched, the total minutes they’ve spent watching, or their cumulative video engagement score from TwentyThree.

    To do this, create a new active list in Contacts → Lists and follow these steps:

    Example: Segment Contacts Who Have Watched 3 or More Videos

    1. Click Create List.
    2. Select Contact-based and give your list a name. For real-time updates, choose Active list and click Next.
    3. Go to Contact property and select Number of videos played.
    4. Set the filter to is greater than or equal to 3.

    For more detailed options and the full list of available video data, consult the TwentyThree integration settings in HubSpot.

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