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Reference and overview of data available in HubSpot

Reference and overview of data available in HubSpot

The TwentyThree connection to HubSpot creates and forwards five different kinds of data:

1. Core contact properties

  • Email: The email address of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • First name: The first name of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Last name: The last name of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Company name: The company of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Title: The title or job position of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Phone: The phone number of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Explicit data opt-in on TwentyThree: The data opt-in of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up. "1" means that the user has been asked and has checked the checkbox. "0" means asked, but didn't check the box. Empty means not asked.

  • Explicit marketing opt-in on TwentyThree: The marketing opt-in of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up. "1" means that the user has been asked and has checked the checkbox. "0" means asked, but didn't check the box. Empty means not asked.

2. Video contact properties

When videos, webinars or live events are played, updated aggregates of the total video usage is updated on the contact's properties.

  • Number of videos played: Total play count of on demand and live video on TwentyThree.

  • Number of video playback visits: Total visits where video on TwentyThree was played.

  • Total video playback time: Total video playback duration in minutes, from TwentyThree.

  • Video engagement score: Video engagement score on TwentyThree between 0 and 100.

3. Timeline events about video playback

When videos, webinars or live events are played, information about the play and interaction is posted on the contacts timeline.

  • Video title: The title of the video being played.

  • Video link: A link to the playing video.

  • Video category: The category of the video being played.

  • Video tags: A comma-separated list of tags on the video.

  • Is live event: Indication of whether this is a live stream or not (0/1)

  • Video duration (timestamp): The formatted duration of the video.

  • Video duration (seconds): The duration of the video in seconds.

  • Video watched (timestamp): How much of the video the viewer watched, formatted for display.

  • Video watched (percentage): The percentage of the full video watched by the contact.

  • Video watched (seconds): Number of seconds watched by the viewer.

  • Identifier for video or live event: The photo_id or live_id from TwentyThree,

  • Identifier on TwentyThree: A UUID that may be used to look up the contact within TwentyThree.

4. Timeline events about collectors

When a collector is submitted, information from the form is posted on the contact timeline with info about the content triggering the conversion.

  • Email: The email address of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • First name: The first name of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Last name: The last name of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Company name: The company of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Title: The title or job position of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Phone: The phone number of the contact as filled into a collector or sign-up.

  • Video title: The title of the video being played.

  • Video link: A link to the playing video.

  • Video category: The category of the video being played.

  • Video tags: A comma-separated list of tags on the video.

  • Is live event: Indication of whether this is a live stream or not (0/1)

  • Identifier for video or live event: The photo_id or live_id from TwentyThree,

  • Identifier on TwentyThree: A uuid that may be used to look up the contact within TwentyThree.

5. Timeline events about video call-to-action clicks

TwentyThree lets you easily create annotations or interactive action elements to your videos. These can be placed anywhere in the video and anywhere on the timeline. When such an action is clicked, this is recorded on HubSpot:

  • Action type: The type of the call-to-action element that was clicked. This can be expanded with custom actions, but by default types will include text, image, product, video, ad, link, banner and html.

  • Action ID: The unique identifier of the clicked call-to-action.

  • Action name: The name of the action.

  • Action text: The configured display text for the action.

  • Action link: The link attached to the action

  • Video title: The title of the video being played.

  • Video link: A link to the playing video.

  • Video category: The category of the video being played.

  • Video tags: A comma-separated list of tags on the video.

  • Video duration (timestamp): The formatted duration of the video.

  • Video duration (seconds): The duration of the video in seconds.

  • Video watched (timestamp): How much of the video had been watched when the action was clicked, formatted for display.

  • Video watched (percentage): How much of the video had been watched when the action was clicked, formatted in percentage for the full duration.

  • Video watched (seconds): Number of seconds watched by the viewer when the action was clicked.

  • Identifier for video or live event: The photo_id or live_id from TwentyThree.

  • Identifier on TwentyThree: A uuid that may be used to look up the contact within TwentyThree.

TwentyThree actions come with a wealth of configuration options that enables detailed control. Along with this comes extra expert properties also available in HubSpot:

  • Action start time: The configured start time of the call-to-action on the video timeline. This will range from 0 to 1 from start to finish of the video. If the action has been set up before the video plays the value is -1 -- and 2 for after the video is done.

  • Action end time: The configured end time of the call-to-action on the video timeline.

  • Action pause mode: The configured pause display setting for the call-to-action. This can be none by default or can be set as pause_playback or only_on_pause.

  • Action link target: The link target attached to the action, can be _top or _new.

  • Action product name: The product name for the action.

  • Action product text: The product text for the action.

  • Action ad URL: The ad URL configured for the action.

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