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Managing Cookie Consent on the TwentyThree Platform

The TwentyThree platform, including webinars and video players, uses cookies to provide essential services such as managing security, performance, and analytics. When you deploy the platform for your organization, you have significant control over how cookies are set and used. For more details about the cookies used by TwentyThree, refer to this article.

Changing the Default Cookie Consent Settings

By default, both necessary and analytics cookies are enabled on the platform. To modify this setting, navigate to Settings → Privacy and toggle off the “Use tracking cookies” option. Disabling this toggle ensures that only necessary cookies are enabled by default.

Customizing Cookie Consent Based on User Preferences

When the tracking cookies toggle is disabled, cookie consent will not be granted by default. If your users allow additional cookies through your cookie consent manager, you can signal this consent to TwentyThree and store it for subsequent visits. To enable this functionality, you need to add a script to all pages where consent may be granted.

Adding the Script

Include the following script to host a library that allows signaling consent to TwentyThree:

<script src=""></script>
  var twentyThreeConsentStatus = new TwentyThreeConsentStatus('');

Important: Replace with your actual workspace domain.

Signaling Consent Changes

When a user updates their consent preferences, use the following script to signal the changes to TwentyThree:

  • To grant marketing/tracking consent:

  • To deny marketing/tracking consent:


These adjustments allow the TwentyThree platform to respect user preferences and align with your organization’s privacy practices.

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Chat conversation only works if you have concented to all cookies. Modify your cookie settings using the button on the bottom left or send an email to