Metric | Explanation |
uuid | Unique identifier inside TwentyThree, based on email address |
identifier | Identifier number inside TwentyThree (If unidentified viewer this would be Viewer #[identifier]) |
user | User ID (if user on TwentyThree account) |
email | Contact's email address (From Collector/Import/Connection) | | Contact's name (From Collector/Import/Connection) |
profile.firstname | Contact's first name (From Collector/Import/Connection) |
profile.lastname | Contact's last name (From Collector/Import/Connection) |
profile.title | Job title (Not currently collected by can be imported) | | Contact's phone number (From Collector/Import/Connection) |
profile.seniority | Contact's seniority (Not currently collected by can be imported) | | Contact's website (Not currently collected by can be imported) | | Contact's bio (Not currently collected by can be imported) | | Contact's city (Estimated from IP) |
profile.state | Contact's state (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.zipcode | Contact's zip code (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.regionName | Contact's region (Estimated from IP) | | Contact's country (Estimated from IP) |
profile.countryCode | Contact's country (From | | Contact's company (From Collector/Import/Connection) |
profile.companyInfo | Info on contact's company (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.companyLocation | Location of contact's company (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.companySite | Contact's company website (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.companyType | Type of company (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.latitude | Geographical latitude (From IP) |
profile.longitude | Geographical longitude (From IP) |
profile.twitter | Contact's Twitter profile (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
profile.facebook | Contact's Facebook profile (Not currently collected by can be imported) |
ip | Contact's IP Address (Identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information) |
identity_source | Where the profile came from |
timeline_count | Number of videos seen in total/how many unique play sessions were started in a browser |
timeline_engagement | Seconds of engagement time in total
timeline_sessions | Number of total visiting sessions |
score | Engagement score |
first | Time of first identification of contact (First session) |
recent | Most recent visit |
source_first | Where on the web they were first seen |
source_recent | Where on the web they were last seen |
referer_first | Where was the first video they watched (f.x. embedded on a page) |
referer_recent | Where was the most recent video they watched (f.x. embedded on a page) |
identity_source | Where the profile came from, web traffic wise |
profile.data_optin | 1 = Opted in 0 = not opted in |
profile.data_optin_text | Data tracking opt in text |
profile.marketing_optin | 1 = Opted in 0 = not opted in |
profile.marketing_optin_text | Text on marketing opt in |
utm_source | UTM tracking info (if used for registration link) |
utm_medium | UTM tracking info (if used for registration link) |
utm_campaign | UTM tracking info (if used for registration link) |
utm_content | UTM tracking info (if used for registration link) |
utm_term | UTM tracking info (if used for registration link) |
attended_type | Attended webinar live or on demand |
attended_engagement | Engagement seconds for this webinar
attendance_registration_date | When they registered for this webinar |