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Exporting webinar attendee statistics

After your webinar, you might want to download your attendance statistics to upload to your CRM, marketing automation system or BI tool. With TwentyThree webinars, you can extract those attendance statistics as a CSV file, for simple handling in most tools. 

To download your statistics, go to the Attendance tab of your webinar event and click the Export Attendees button and save the file. 

Below you can find all the column headings you will see in the file, and what they mean.

Metric Explanation
uuid Unique identifier inside TwentyThree, based on email address

identifier Identifier number inside TwentyThree (If unidentified viewer this would be Viewer #[identifier])

user User ID (if user on TwentyThree account)

email Contact's email address (From Collector/Import/Connection) Contact's name (From Collector/Import/Connection)

profile.firstname Contact's first name (From Collector/Import/Connection)

profile.lastname Contact's last name (From Collector/Import/Connection)

profile.title Job title (Not currently collected by can be imported) Contact's phone number (From Collector/Import/Connection)

profile.seniority Contact's seniority (Not currently collected by can be imported) Contact's website (Not currently collected by can be imported) Contact's bio (Not currently collected by can be imported) Contact's city (Estimated from IP)

profile.state Contact's state (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.zipcode Contact's zip code (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.regionName Contact's region (Estimated from IP) Contact's country (Estimated from IP)

profile.countryCode Contact's country (From Contact's company (From Collector/Import/Connection)

profile.companyInfo Info on contact's company (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.companyLocation Location of contact's company (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.companySite Contact's company website (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.companyType Type of company (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.latitude Geographical latitude (From IP)

profile.longitude Geographical longitude (From IP)

profile.twitter Contact's Twitter profile (Not currently collected by can be imported)

profile.facebook Contact's Facebook profile (Not currently collected by can be imported)

ip Contact's IP Address (Identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information)

identity_source Where the profile came from

timeline_count Number of videos seen in total/how many unique play sessions were started in a browser

timeline_engagement Seconds of engagement time in total

timeline_sessions Number of total visiting sessions

score Engagement score

first Time of first identification of contact (First session)

recent Most recent visit

source_first Where on the web they were first seen

source_recent Where on the web they were last seen

referer_first Where was the first video they watched (f.x. embedded on a page)

referer_recent Where was the most recent video they watched (f.x. embedded on a page)

identity_source Where the profile came from, web traffic wise

profile.data_optin 1 = Opted in 0 = not opted in

profile.data_optin_text Data tracking opt in text

profile.marketing_optin 1 = Opted in 0 = not opted in

profile.marketing_optin_text Text on marketing opt in

utm_source UTM tracking info (if used for registration link)

utm_medium UTM tracking info (if used for registration link)

utm_campaign UTM tracking info (if used for registration link)

utm_content UTM tracking info (if used for registration link)

utm_term UTM tracking info (if used for registration link)

attended_type Attended webinar live or on demand

attended_engagement Engagement seconds for this webinar

attendance_registration_date When they registered for this webinar

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