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What is Analytics in TwentyThree?

Analytics in TwentyThree go beyond just raw view counts. We track every aspect of your videos and video site, including when clips are loaded, played, paused, stopped, clicked, and shared. This allows you to measure the performance and engagement of your content and, more importantly, use these insights to optimize your content for business growth.

In the main view of the Analytics section in TwentyThree, you are presented with a variety of data and graphs that represent some of the most important metrics for online video consumption. By default, the Dashboard displays overall video performance graphs, showing key metrics for your entire site over the last month. Each section includes a link to a more detailed page that provides in-depth data for specific areas, such as impressions, plays, conversions, and more.

On the main analytics tab, you can request analytical data for a specified time period by selecting a date from the calendar. Alternatively, you can choose one of the predefined time periods located to the right of the calendar.

You can also access other analytics sections through the drop-down menu on the upper left-hand side of the screen, which includes: Overview, Inbound Videos, Webinars, Social, Conversions, Usage, and Reports. 


For each custom analytics view, you can generate a report based on selected videos, categories, and date ranges. Once created, the report will be saved in your report dashboard, allowing you to access it at any time. Reports can also be downloaded in various formats, including PNG, SVG, CSV, and Excel, for easy sharing and analysis.

All the metrics are explained further on the Analytics Metrics page.

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