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Analytics Metrics

For all on-demand videos we offer a summary of metrics on a per-day basis. These metrics are counted uniquely for each viewer session, meaning multiple views or visits to the same video by the same viewer will only be counted once. Similarly, we only count specific parts of a video seen or video impressions a single time for each viewer. What follows is a short breakdown of each metric and how we arrive at the specific number we present to you.


A count of how often the player itself has been loaded, separate from whether or not the video has actually been played.


A count of how often a video has been played (where actual video content has been displayed).


The number of total minutes seen by all viewers combined, usually referred to as engagement minutes.

Plays from embeds

The absolute number of plays that originate from videos embedded outside of your video site.

Playthrough / Performance

Performance refers to how much of your videos has been seen by all viewers. Performance is a detailed graph of how many of your viewers see each part of your video (divided into 1% increments).

Example: A playthrough of 75% means that your viewers see 3/4 of your video content on average. For performance this could mean 100% of your viewers have seen the first percentile of your video with only 50% of your viewers seeing the 100% percentile - alternatively, it could mean that every single viewer has seen the first 75% of your video and none of your viewers have seen the last 25% of your video.

Playthrough should be used as an overall indication of video performance, while the actual performance graph should be used to track actual video content seen, and is especially helpful for analyzing a single video at a time.


Show the location (country and city) for all viewers of your videos with accompanying loads, plays, embeds, finishes and total engagement minutes.


A rough estimation of how and where your viewers see your videos.


A breakdown of your viewers by platform and device. Useful for checking whether your users primarily see your site on tablets, mobile or desktop.

Detailed pages

We have individual pages for each group of metrics. Each of these present a more detailed view of how your videos are performing in a specific area.

Play details

List your top performing videos for the given period, with metrics for each videos listed in a table format.

Performance details

Gives you a breakdown of performance per day for a different set of metrics besides the plays you see on the frontpage. Allows you to investigate metrics such as user interaction (clicks and sharing) and secondary metrics (playthrough performance, load-to-play, play-to-finish).


Shows when your videos are played during the day and the amount of traffic you have used - this is the same number that we use to determine billing details.

Embeds / Locations / Sources / Devices

Each of these pages shows a table view of the top performing metric (depending on the page).


For every on-demand video we track a large number of metrics. We allow you to drill down and isolate a subset of the data based on these parameters:

  • For a single video
  • By category / archetype
  • By time
  • By embed domain

Each of these parameters can be combined to isolate a very specific segment of videos that match your curiosity.

Live Event Metrics

Due to the nature of livestreams, we offer a different set of analytics metrics for live events. These are accessible through the live tab in the backend.

For each live event in the overview we show the total number of viewers and average engagement time across all broadcasts for each event. To see a more detailed breakdown of viewer performance, go to a specific event and select a specific broadcast segment in the right-hand side. This will present you with a graph of the viewer attendance over time as well as peak and average number of viewers during the broadcast.

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